Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethics & Social Responsability in Strategic Management Essay

Ethics & Social Responsability in Strategic Management - Essay Example could result in delay in supply of any one of them and consequently delay the launch. Â   The delay in projects, especially when the dates are announced, may corrode the reputation because the businesses build their credibility on the efficient and timely delivery of their projected target objectives. Mutual trust between business partners is also an important part of business processes and withholding of crucial information corrodes their credibility in the market that may result in loss of business in future. Â   The companies had not been able to launch successfully a commercial satellite primarily because it not only is high cost venture with costly software and hardware, the amount of contract is also dependent on the size of the anticipated market, the number of competitors and the whether the imageries would be used by the military and local agencies. Secondly in the case of the delays in launch, the preferences of the market may change, resulting in huge financial and business loss. Satellite programs are dependent on the venture capitalists for their finance and in case, they are not able to acquire advance contracts or their rivals are able to gain leverage, the venture capitalists are likely to withdraw from the business that may force the companies to stop production, leading to bankruptcy. The venture capitalists look for companies that could acquire advance contracts so as to ensure success for their investment. The current problem mainly cropped up because there was great chances of delay in the officially stated launch date of the satellite due to the fact that the satellite camera sub contractor was having problems with the development of thermal stabilizers for the instruments. The development of the thermal stabilizers could take up more time, thus delaying the launch by twelve to eighteen months. If the launch date is officially delayed and advanced by another one year, the company is

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