Saturday, August 31, 2019
Specific Performance
Specific Performance MT311 Business Law Part I There are four situations we have to review in terms of specific performance and possible breach of contract. First we must understand the elements of specific performance then we can evaluate how they relate to each scenario. â€Å"In some situations, damages are an inadequate remedy for a breach of contract†¦equitable remedies include rescission and restitution, specific performance, and reformation†(Miller & Jentz, 2009). Specific performance is an equitable remedy that requests the promised act be performed per the contract. This is not to be confused with any monetary exchange, rather that the contract be fulfilled as agreed upon originally. Sometimes the performance is of more value than monetary damages, which is why the specific performance remedy appealing for certain types of situations. â€Å"Normally, however, specific performance will not be granted unless the party’s legal remedy (monetary damages) is inadequate†(Miller & Jentz, 2008). A good example of this clause is in regards to unique or rare items that cannot just be bought on the open market. This is where monetary damages would not be a factor. The advantages of specific performance are that the non-breaching party is spared the hassle of collecting judgment, they do not need to set up another contract, and the performance may be of more value than monetary damages. The first scenario states: Tarrington contracts to sell her house and lot to Rainier. Then, on finding another buyer willing to pay a higher purchase price, she refused to deed the property to Rainier. The specifics of this case are unknown; however, based solely on the information provided I believe Rainier is entitled to specific performance as long as the property has not yet been sold. One element of real estate specific performance is that the contract must be fulfilled, unless the land is unavailable because it was sold to someone else. In that scenario damages will be awarded instead. The courts would rather uphold specific performance in relation to the sale of land because every piece of land is unique, and monetary damages will not compensate the buyer adequately. We could argue this dependent on the specifics of the case. In the case of Stainbrook v. Low the court upheld specific performance based on the reasoning that â€Å"a party seeking specific performance of a real estate contract must prove that he has substantially performed his contract obligations or offered to do so†(Miller & Jentz, 2008). Based on this case decision we must assume that Rainier followed through with his part of the contract in terms of financing and inspections. If the courts find that he did not fulfill his obligations or at least offer to follow through they could overturn the case and Rainer will not get the property or any monetary damage. The second case states: Marita contracts to sing and dance in Horace’s nightclub for one month, beginning June 1. She then refuses to perform. In this scenario a contract for personal services is present, and a court will normally not grant specific performance of contracts for personal services. This is because to order a party to perform personal services against his or her will amounts to a type of involuntary servitude, which is contrary to the public policy expressed in the Thirteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution†(Miller & Jentz, 2008). Horace may be entitled to monetary damages from her backing out of the performances in this case. The third case states: Juan contracts to purchase a rare coin from Edmund, who is breaking up his coin collection. At the last minute, Edmund deci des to keep his coin collection intact and refuses to deliver the coin to Juan. This goes back to the element of the performance that is specific to a rare good. The coin is unique and monetary damages will not necessarily allow Juan to go out and purchase an identical substitute. In this case the courts would probably uphold the specific performance and make Edmund follow through with the original contract which is to sell the coin. Lastly, the final case states: Astro Computer Corp. has three shareholders. Among them are Coase, who own 48%, and Cary, who owns 4%. Cary contracts to sell his 4% to DeValle but later refuses to transfer the shares to him. I would say this share would be considered a unique good because each business has its own properties that make it different than other companies. I do not think we could compare the shares to a personal service, and the 4% would not have a definite monetary value. The monetary value of the share could change dramatically depending on the business. I think the courts would force Cary to uphold his contract and give the 4% to DeValle based on the fact that it would be hard to go out and purchase an identical substitute. References Miller, R. L. & Jentz, G. A. (2008). Fundamentals of Business Law Part I.
Friday, August 30, 2019
My Role Model-Suhas Gopinath Essay
Bangalore boy who launched his own firm at the young age of 14 years. Gopinath (born November 4, 1986) is the CEO and co-founder of Global Inc. -an up- coming IT company that produces Web sites and software, employs 400 people around the world and become a national icon. The Limca Book of Records – the Indian version of the Guniess Book of Records – lists him as the world’s Youngest CEO. Suhas Gopinath started a software company at the age 14 and since become one of the most remarkable success stories of the Indian IT boom. Now he’s 22 and runs a world-class business with 400 employees. In 2005, an investing firm from Houston, Texas offered him $100 million for majority stake in Global. He refused, â€Å"after several months of discussions, admittedly†. The reason for his negative response: â€Å"Why should I sell my baby? †The transformation During the mid-1990s, the first Internet cafes began opening up in Bangalore, with one going into operation next door to Gopinath’s house. My brother Shreyas took me there. I was fascinated. The Internet changed my life, he says. He spent every spare minute online. He learned himself how to build Web sites. He spent every rupee he had in the internet cafe, says his mother. Gopinath admits, I had been a good student up until then. After I discovered the internet, I was an average student. Before finding cyberspace, he had dreams of becoming a veterinarian. His first project In 1998, when he was 13, Gopinath launched his first website: www. coolhindustan. com. I wanted to provide Indians all over the world with a forum to post public events, tips for eating out and everything else they’re interested in, he recalls. The Web site became popular – including with hackers in Pakistan. They attacked cool Hindustan and replaced the Web site’s logo with â€Å"Cool Pakistan†. That was a terrible experience, Suhas says today. He abandoned the project. By then, talent scouts in Silicon Valley had already heard of Suhas Gopinath and the company â€Å"Network Solutions†invited the young Indian to its headquarters in San Jose, California. It was the first time he had ever boarded a plane and the first time he had been Outside India’s borders. They offered me a job. They also would have paid for my education in the United States, he says. His answer, though, was no, why should I do for another company what I could do for my own? About his company L to R: -Suhas Gopinath, former president Abdul Kalam. Gopinath wasn’t going to wait four years. He cheated: Along with three friends, he registered his company in San Jose. Online, of course, he says. He wanted to name the company â€Å"Global Solutions†, but that name was already taken. He opted for Global. Today, he still regrets that he wasn’t able to start his company in Bangalore. India’s most important politicians know the young man. He was even granted a private conversation with President Abdul Kalam. I told him that the age limit for starting a company has to be removed, Gopinath says. Kalam promised him support, but so far nothing has changed. The law wasn’t the only obstacle, though. Potential customers cancelled their orders when they learned their business partner was barely 14. Many people didn’t take him seriously he remembers. As soon as he began sprouting facial air, he grew moustache, though he has, on the advice of friends, since shaved it off. Ultimately, Gopinath managed to overcome every obstacle. World gradually spread about his company’s abilities and Gopinath hired more and more people and opened up more offices. He became the boss, employer and chief executive – all in mid puberty. Most of his employees are just young: The average age is 21 with the oldest being a ripe old 26 and the youngest 12. Gopinath is unable to give the latter a full time job – that would amount to child labor. But we gave him a computer with internet connection, Gopinath says, Now he works for us sometimes on Web design. 200 Customers the World Over Gopinath’s company is into web-based and software solutions, mobile and e-commerce solutions – besides making web sites for corporates, advertisers and educational institutions. Meanwhile Global has amassed 200 customers across the globe and now has offices in 11 countries with some 65 percentage of company turn over coming from Europe. The young Indians have become particularly good at identifying unfilled market niches. They developed a software product for schools, for example, allowing a teacher to easily enter grades and attendance and enabling parents to check that their children are showing up to class – a kind of electronics class register. The Indian government was thrilled with the idea and recently contracted Global to set up the program in 1,000 schools. Now that he is 21, Gopinath is thinking of transferring the company headquarters to India – even though some 125 people now work for Global in San Jose against only 25 in Bangalore. What would be happen to the employees in the United States? We’II see, Gopinath says. â€Å"The new developments are coming mainly from Bangalore†. Going to university on the side L to R: M. R. Gopinath-Suhas’ father, Shri. M V Rajashekaran-Minister, Suhas Gopinath, Kala Gopinath-Suhas’ mother) Gopinath’s father, M. R Gopinath, once a scientist at the Defense Ministry, now acknowledges that his son made the right choices during the last seven years. They are proud parents, but they still haven’t let him go. â€Å"To us, it’s important that he gets a degree, the father says. â€Å"Education is the most important thing in India†.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Business process management (BPM)
Business process management (BPM) Literature Review 2.1 Definitions 2.1.1 What is Business Process Management? Business Process Management (BPM) was influenced by concepts and technologies from business administration and computer science. BPM had its root in process-oriented trends and was treated as a management philosophy since mid 1990s (James F. Chang, 2006; Mathias Weske, 2007). Studies investigating BPM had been carried out several management principles and practices were associated. Most of these concepts were identical to Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Total Quality Management (TQM) concepts. In the book Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures, Mathias Weske had quoted from Davenport, who defined business process as: â€Å"a set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined business outcome for a particular customer or market.†And â€Å"a specific ordering of work activities across time and place, with a beginning, an end, and clearly identified inputs and outputs.†However, Mathias Weske (2007) had adopted definition as: â€Å"A business process consists of a set of activities that are performed in coordination in an organizational and technical environment.†These activities come together to make a business goal became achievable. Every single business process is performed by a single company, but it may interact with business processes performed by other companies.†From the business process definition, Mathias Weske (2007) had defined the concept of BPM as: â€Å"Business process management includes concepts, methods, and techniques to support the design, administration, configuration, enactment, and analysis of business processes.†The basis of BPM had explicit representation of business process with their activities and execution constraints between them. When BPM defined, people could analysis, improvement and enactment with BPM. In traditionally, business process had manually executed as usual by knowledge personnel, regulations of company, and installed procedures. Nowadays, company had more additional benefits by apply Information Technology like Business Process Management System (BPMS) when coordinating activities involved by business process. 2.1.2 What is Business Process Management System (BPMS)? According to definition of James F. Chang (2006), BPMS is â€Å"a new class of software that allows organizations to devise process-centric information technology solutions. Process-centric means BPMS solutions are able to integrate people, systems, and data†. BPM fills the gap between the wide-open, unstructured world of collaboration and the precise transaction processing of enterprise applications. It has become widely realized that important enterprise processes routinely cross the boundaries of enterprise applications. Processes like order-to-cash or procure-to-pay may involve several enterprise applications such as taking orders in CRM, ERP creating invoices and purchase orders, and managing production and fulfilment in SCM. BPM, especially in combination with services that can move data in and out of enterprise applications and other information sources provide a way to clear define, manage, and automate processes that span enterprise applications. BPM also allows processes that bring in people and systems from outside the company to the defined process. In this way, BPM supports processes that take place across an extended business network. The personalities of processes currently automated by BPM are as follows: They are more structured than the loose collaboration based on email and other such mechanisms They are more flexible than the transactional processes in enterprise applications They are wider in scope than processes in enterprise applications, crossing both application and company boundaries Their flow is explicitly defined, managed, and automated 2.1.3 What enabling standards and technology support BPMS?
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Ethics and Governance of Nike Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Ethics and Governance of Nike - Essay Example Nike is one of those companies of the world which are continuously accused of the ethical issues such as human rights and the working conditions in the Nike factories in the developing and under-developed countries. Despite of abandoning many unethical activities and involving itself in the global social and environmental activities, Nike is still accused for exploitation of labor rights in many countries around the world (Kahle, L. R. & Boush, D.M. & Phelps, M. 2000). The ethical issues and dilemmas faced by the Nike Incorporation are discusses below in detail. The manufacturing units of the Nike Incorporations have been established in the developing or under-developed countries because of the cheap labor in these countries. The wages provided by Nike are even lower than the standard wage level in those developed or under-developed countries. The employees at Nike are unable to meet their basic needs. Nike has made an effort to solve the issue by employing the workers at the wage rate as given by those countries. Nike is involved in the violation of the global child labor laws. The children of the age 12 to 14 are working at the manufacturing units of Nike. Nike failed to practice the child labor laws in the under-developed countries. The human rights committees are continuously criticizing Nike for paying huge amounts to the celebrities for the endorsement of their products. The famous sports celebrities are paid millions of dollars to market and advertise the Nike products It is suggested to spend a part of money to improve workers standards of living and in the community building. Sweatshops Another issue involved sweatshops operated by the company. Sweatshops are the illegal and unethical activities
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Job Fair Brochure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Job Fair Brochure - Essay Example Indeed, this joint stock situation has an influence on the organizational structure of the company. To this effect, the organizational structure of the company is given as below. The organizational structure given above is justified in terms of how it allows for departmentalization. Rank (2002) states that â€Å"large, diversified companies are often organized according to product. All the activities necessary to produce and market a product or group of similar products are grouped together.†Judging by the virtue that Be Safe Company is a large diversified company, the organizational structure given above is highly suitable for the company. The business model highly related to the organizational structure as Tatum (2011) posits that â€Å"the business model is simply a working description that includes the general details about the operations of a business.†The business model described for Be Safe Company incorporates how the company is going to create, deliver, and achieve value. The values to be achieved would also transcend economic orientations to include social values. To this end, the Bricks and clicks business model is recommended. Under this model, the company is going to expand its scope of customer reach by making way for online orders to be placed by customers who have access to the internet. Delivery of products shall however be done at the company site. Online delivery is not recommended yet because the company is still at the growing stages of this all new business model. A special component of the Bricks and clicks business model will be an introduction of delivery system so that customers who ma ke purchases online can request for delivery though this is not an integrated shipping system. With this business model, it means that the company would now be focusing more on its sales to make the sales department more open to the public rather than the manufacturing sector. The justification of this model is that a lot more customer base will be
Monday, August 26, 2019
Race, Gender, Imperialism and American History Essay
Race, Gender, Imperialism and American History - Essay Example Historical accounts make it abundantly clear that it is the combination of the three key factors i.e. race, gender, and sexuality that has helped shape some of the major domestic and foreign policies in the United States. This essay looks at how the politics of race, gender, and sexuality contributed in shaping the domestic and foreign policies in America as we know today by exploring the American history and through a comprehensive study of its culture and the identities of the people of color which greatly influenced the country's overall political framework. Race: Causes & History Racism first emerged in the 16th and more specifically during the 17th century when Europeans began enslaving people from Africa as well as the new world. During this period however racism meant that 'certain people who were defined as non-Europeans find themselves ruled and governed by Europeans'. Causes: The key motivation behind it was grounded in economics driven by the motive of profit maximization. The laws that encouraged racism and the racial segregation of people of color were hence developed to enable the whites to use the non-whites as commodities / resources that helped them in achieving their profit objectives. Most of these slaves were hired by the whites to work on plantations since ownership of slaves was regarded as the greatest form of wealth (Racism - A History). The underlying factors that led to the rampant racist attitudes towards the people of color were the inherent fear and apprehension regarding these 'foreign' races. Blacks, for instance, were perceived as half humans and half animals (Racism: A History) while the Native American tribes were perceived as brutes who kill defenseless women and children (Baigell 4). The concept of â€Å"race†during a fair part of the 19th century was defined strictly with regard to the skin color and the individuals were socially categorized in accordance with their respective race with Europeans (whites) occupying the top spot. However, in 1922 in the case of Ozawa v United States the courts ruled that 'the test of race afforded by the color of the skin of each individual is impracticable as that differs greatly among persons of the same race, even among Anglo-Saxons, ranging by imperceptible gradations from the fair blond to the swarthy brunette, the latter being darker than many of the lighter hued persons of the brown or yellow races'. Thus suggesting that racial boundaries cannot be bound by skin color alone and hence cannot be used to racially divide people (Lopez 195). You need a transitional sentence that connects this paragraph to the next. So even though the law exists, racism still prevails at an institutional level. The legal and judicial sy stem in the U.S. had time and again used the law as a tool of racial segregation. One such instance is the case of the manner in which the U.S. used the law to prevent mass migration of Chinese workers to California during the gold rush. The state of California passed its first anti-Chinese laws during the 1850s including the levying of a special tax targeted at the Chinese to dissuade them from flooding American shores in hordes (Bill Moyers Special:
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The requirement of a commercial building is that it is low Essay
The requirement of a commercial building is that it is low maintenance. This requirement could have a major influence on material selection and design - Essay Example The efficiency of a building is directly related to the integration of the numerous elements. The orientation of the building, the window/wall ratio and visible/thermal properties, the efficiency of the components of each element, the choice of materials and their ventilation requirements, and the balancing of the heating and cooling requirements of each element. Commercial buildings should consider the needs to address early in the process the integration of the building orientation and envelop components with the heating, cooling, ventilating and lighting requirements. The size, location and properties of the windows have a direct effect on the lighting requirements and heating and cooling loads of the building. According to (Cohen, 1994), the choice of certain windows can enhance the equality and quality of the lighting system while reducing the cooling and heating loads. The cost of low quality windows can increase the cost of the light system and the heating/cooling components such that these items will cost less or have less impact to the construction budget. Most often, the building design and construction process needs not to address and control the infiltration of the outside air. A complete understanding of all these elements and aspects of a building is important in building, including commercial builders. The requirements as stated above have major influen... These are low materials that are not durable as regards wall and floor finishes, the fixtures, and the equipment. The products selected will affect the energy plug loads, the water consumption, and other goods and services. The environmental concerns include but are not limited to recycled contents, locally and regionally produced; renewable, local and state environmental goals and targets, and the ability to be reused or recycled are not mostly considered. Design for good air quality, efficient and effective lighting and comfortable temperatures should be of a great importance. CONSTRUCTUION ADMINISTRATION The construction phase is critical to the success of a performance building in order for the design intent to be realized it is necessary that the site be managed to reduce water win-off, to control dust migration, to control construction waste, and limit other environmental impacts which most commercial buildings lack. To control construction waste, construction materials need to be organized extract reusable items, recyclable items. Compact items and hazardous items depending on the experience of the contractors, firms new to high performance buildings will require education on all aspects of site management, waste collection, verification of installed items, collection of material data on all items, and their importance to the final quality of the building. In as much as commercial buildings are known for low maintenance, the occupant's condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment is very important (ISO, 1994). Thermal comfort therefore describes person's psychological state of mind about their thermal climate and is usually described simply in terms of
Reporting Requirements Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Reporting Requirements Memo - Essay Example The memo ends with the comparison of the accounting reporting practices of the two entities. Reporting requirements for private sector, not-for-profit organizations under Financial Accounting Standard Board guidance The Financial Accounting Standard Board has specific accounting reporting requirements for all types and kinds of health care organizations. This also includes the private sector not for profit nursing homes. The Financial Accounting Standard Board have issued several standards especially for private not for profit nursing homes. Few of the standards that have been introduced are â€Å"Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made,†â€Å"Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations†and â€Å"Accounting for Certain Investments Held by Not-for-Profit Organizations†. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA’s) accounting and audit guide for Health Care Organizations have made these statements m andatory. Both AICPA and FASB promote the accrual method of accounting. An accrual method accounting gives a complete, accurate and meaningful report about the financial condition of the organization. The accounting period should span for one year. A private sector not for profit nursing home’s financial statements should have a balance sheet, a statement of operations, cash flow statements and statements showing changes in net asset. If the not for profit organization decides to invest in financial assets the transactions that involves financial instruments have to be recognized on the settlement date. Any transactions that involve a third party have to be measured at fair value. For investments in debt securities, the securities that are not held up to the maturity period are recorded at fair value with subsequent changes in net assets and net income. The organization can invest in debt bonds at amortized rate without any restriction. The debt security should be measured at fair value and any changes in net income should be recorded. The principles for investment in equities are that the shares that are quoted in the active market should be recorded at the fair price and the resulting change in the net assets should also be recorded. Unquoted equities can be measured at the actual market price (Carmichael & Rosenfield, 2003). Investments in mutual funds will also be considered as equity investments. Derivatives that involve hedging characteristics should be measured at fair price. A private nonprofit organization should be very careful in selecting the methods it wants to use to measure its investments so that its relationships with its benefactors are not compromised. It should successfully incorporate the unrealized losses and gains in its financial statements. Transaction costs that arise due to purchasing of financial instruments should be capitalized and will be measured at the amortized cost. At the end of each accounting period the organization has to check for assets that are impaired. If there is any such asset its carrying amount should be reduced to the highest of the amount the organization expects to generate by selling the asset or the present value of the expected future cash flow of the financial instrument. Accounts receivable will be treated in the same way as debt securities. But receivables that are not due for a minimum of one year and are without market rates
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Mid Term - American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mid Term - American History - Essay Example Discovery of gold in California and Nevada drew thousands of miners to join the Gold Rush and the mining equipment was moved from one location to the other. It was one of the greatest adventures in human history that contributed to the development of California. The Gold Rush largely improved America in terms of trade, shipping and communications such as railroad lines built to the Pacific Coast ( Lewis, 2010). Additionally, the event changed the culture of America particularly the faster settling of the west that sealed the doom of the Indians west of the Mississippi. The diversity of young intelligent men from around the world brought in different ways of gold mining. I chose the 1849 Gold Rush because of its association with the development of both California and America. The Gold Rush has brought in new ideas and cultural change that has greatly influenced America. Having toured California and the gold mining site, I felt that 1849 Gold Rush was alive and worth talking about. Com promise of 1850 The compromise included a series of bills passed to address slavery issues where the slavery matters were to be decided by popular sovereignty in admitting the new states. Moreover, the bills prohibited slave trade in Columbia settled a Texas boundary dispute as well as establishing a strict fugitive slave trade. By 1950, many slavery disagreement issues tainted the relationship between the Northerners and the Southerners. There were tensions whether the newly acquired western land after the Mexican War would allow slavery. The Congress further passed Fugitive Slave Law that decreased the number of slaves escaping to the North annually but the North was unhappy with the law (Stegmaier, 2012). Compromise of 1850 was very significant in the American history since it contributed to the Civil War. The Southern and Northern politics were heightened during this place and the compromise seemed to undermine a divided nation on the slavery issue. Slavery was a serious issue i n America and addressing it was very sensitive in congress. The Compromise of 1850 showed how concerned some legislators were in addressing the plight of the slaves. It further showed how southerners strongly defended the issue of slavery. It attempted to settle the slavery question though it allowed the slaves to work for the South although it prohibited slave trade in Washington DC (Stegmaier, 2012). The Compromise of 1850 played a significant role in heightening the tension between the Southerners and the Northerners that finally contributed to the Civil War particularly the introduction of the Fugitive Slave Act. The north was not impressed and they had to stop the act and they felt that the slaves should be returned to their rightful owners who escaped from the Underground Railroad. The south wanted to have the slaves back but they had to prove that they were the rightful owners because lack of evidence would lead to freeing of the slaves. This agreement was either temporal bec ause the South later wanted to separate from the North. Crisis continued to pile due to the increased level of dissatisfaction that prompted anger that turned to rage and rage to violence. Southerners were always alert to protect their peculiar institutions even after the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) and the struggles that followed over the bleeding Kansas where the group began to shoot. However, Compromise of 1850
Friday, August 23, 2019
Global Business Situation and Opportunity Analysis [Marketing Plan Essay
Global Business Situation and Opportunity Analysis [Marketing Plan Part 1] - Essay Example Scanning the potential business environments and analyzing business opportunities and strengths with threats and weaknesses are critically important components in developing and establishing a market. Kraft Foods is one of the largest food processor in North America and has now emerged to be the second largest food processor of the world as it went global and made its presence in more than 100 countries. As part of its further marketing development, the company proposes to launch one of its most successful brands- namely Philadelphia- in India and therefore the company requires careful assessing and effective analyzing of situational and environmental factors that may impact the company. Marketing plan is an important success pathway to building any market. This paper presents a brief analysis of global business opportunity and business situation of Kraft Foods in relation to its prospect to launch a new brand in prevailing market, India. Introduction Globalizing the market has becom e a strategic effort to defend or promote competition, because globalized markets endogenously intensify competition between firms and force them to be highly competitive, innovative and to use latest technological developments (Blossfeld, Klijzing and Mills, 2012, p. 5). Almost all the fortune 500 companies have globalized their business to seize greater opportunities from foreign markets. This paper analyzes global business situation and opportunities for Kraft Foods Group Inc in relation to its business prospect to launch one of its most reputable brands, namely Philadelphia to one of its existing markets, India. Company structure, Capabilities and Resources . Kraft Foods Group Inc. is 50th largest Fortune 500 companies (CNN Money, 2013) and is renowned to be a global snacks-powerhouse with varying brands that seem unrivaled for the reputation they gained. It operates food and beverages in North America considerable market position in Canada and other countries. It manufactures a s well as markets refreshment beverages, liquid concentrates, coffee products, confectionary and grocery products and convenient meals in more than 100 countries (, 2013). It is a highly successful company in the way it has differentiated the products. It offers its products in a number of different brands such as Cadbury, Jacobs, Nabisco, Philadelphia, Trident, Maxwell House, Kraft etc (, 2013). Kraft Foods Group Inc. is very keen about preparing its recipe for positive change by reducing, reusing and recycling water and other important resources. The company put in efforts to make the difference by using less water for manufacturing and to reduce product packaging so as to produce less wastes (, 2013). Forbes (2013) ranks Kraft Food as the 46th world largest company for most powerful brand and as 63rd largest for most innovative firm. It employs more than 126,000 employees throughout the world. Products, Markets and distribution of Kraft Foods Kraft Foods offers mainly 7 different lines of products, namely baking & desserts, cheese & diary, coffee & beverages, deli meat & hot dogs, sauces & condiments, side dishes
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Power of Communication Essay Example for Free
Power of Communication Essay Communication is the basic human need to share meanings and express ideas and thoughts and that can be achieved by the exchange of information between the society members. The process of communication is defined by the technology available, culture and protocols of communication. Political scientists are interested in political communication through studying the interaction communication between the political system and the political process generally and they confirmed the importance of the fundamental relationship between them, they called for re-examination and analysis of political science based on communication theories. Politics is difficult to be found without communication because there must be a link between the public and the ruling elite (decision makers), and this applies to the political system too. Citizens must be able to communicate their wishes and demands to the government, and the government should be able to communicate its decisions to citizens and justify them to win their satisfaction. Political parties and politicians needs huge public support, Where it can be said that political communication is the most important means of communication that must be followed by a party in order to gain such support. It is well known that the objective of any party is to access power or participate in it and this cannot be reached without large public support. This political communication can take various forms depends on the technology available such as press, radio, television and digital networked media. The political communication is the proper way of any party members to open dialogue with the masses of the people for establish the doctrine of their party to them, and gain popular support for the policy and programs of the party, where they listen to note of the public towards some situations and impressions towards it, and the members of the party again, during their partisan meetings to discuss the various social and economic problems in the community, and that need solutions, ranging proposals of different party members to fixing these problems through the hierarchical organization of the party until it reaches the level of leadership and integrate in the various party programs. thereby ensuring this party kind of interaction with he public surrounding it, so that lead the response to the wishes and requirements of the public in the general policy of the party, to achieve a great deal of compatibility between the party and street folk, and this goes back to the party with a grea t benefit in elections times, When the public find the investigator to them ambitions and expectations, and This causes at normal conditions for arrival (the party with compatibility larger with the popular will) to rule the country. Communication was and will continue to be the most important activity in human life through interacts with others to express ideas, needs and feelings and dreams, and has expressed their personality, culture and freedom and the idea of an activity that can be embodied the meaning of human dignity and values. So this make this activity one of the most activities accountable of various standards, pressures and the laws that are on the whole a fundamental question about the nature of the relationship between the media and the ethics and other aspects of human life. Communication science benefited and interact with all the of Sciences and knowledge, humanitarian, technical data and the science explain to us at this time to what affect the means of mass communication in the minds of the people and what is the size of this effect and how it is affecting. No one can deny the importance of these theories of communication that formed the communication science which had experimented in communities that adopted and tried to apply. The communication tools play an important role in political life, whether internal or the outside, not only political professionals are attach importance to their communication strategy, but governed also gaining most of their information through the communication tools. The means of mass communication possesses the characteristics and capabilities of multiple distinct from those when its counterparts from groups or opinion leaders, are in any case means mass communication addresses the daily huge cross sections of the population with one voice. The means of communication and media are necessary and important to make effectively communication links and interactions are always open between the ruler and the governed. Definitely, mass communication has evolved technically accompanied by the technological development happened to human societies in all fields, in ancient societies (Greek and Roman society), political community was limited and number of citizens who can be covered by ruling messages was known, so it was direct speeches and forums in public places established in open air r in the theaters of the city that was one of the most forms of political communication, so it was politicians highly dependent on rhetoric and the ability to inference to convince they governed, This free space for debate and political communication that helped to create direct democracy known as the Athenian democracy, But with the development of human societies and the expansion of political activity field appearance regimes of modern political became not possible to rely solely on speeches and seminars, which includes a limited number of citizens, but became necessary to find a communication to spread and includes a wide segment of the public. (Karl W. Deutsch, 2006) Literature Review: Denis McQuail, 2010 â€Å"Seen these arguments written, visual and audio as a tool of direct democracy, and as a court of public opinion open day and night put the law for everything all the time, not a substitute for institutions, but such ray of light detector that keeps moving here and there, revealing always talking about the depths of darkness†Jacques Gerstle, 2004 â€Å"One of the basic properties of the twentieth century is the communication tools revolution, and the appearance the community of communication. We saw the appearance of new techniques for political communication, these techniques that contributed in dissemination and sharing the information, ideas and communities in conditions limited time and across a wide geographical. †Since the advent of printing, which contributed historically in the advancement of the theory and practice of democracy through journalism written is the court of public opinion, as well as with the emergence of radio, which was the most important means of communication used in the second world war propaganda by politicians, through well television, which affects more than other means of mass communication. Various categories divergent public and geographically, does not follow some of the obstacles faced by other means such as the written press such as distribution problems and an individuals ability to read all the way to satellites to broadcast dimensional networks of electronic communication global movement of information and ideas and comply with the limits of regional and geographical, with the development of all these means and which was called some people name new technologies for information and communication find that the process of political communication has evolved is also no longer this process takes place using the means of communication like a traditional speech, for example. Gabriel A. Almond, 2004 â€Å"That everything in politics is communication, system of communication is one of the main channels for the flow of information from the elite to the masses and also to transfer the problems of the masses and their aspirations and their perceptions to the elite. †Robert Wiener, David Jerison, I. Isadore Manuel Singer, Daniel W. Strook, 1997 â€Å"If we realized politics is system so communication system is the nerve that controls the system, and the systems ability to exercise command and control linked to its ability to deal with the information, so that communication and control are two synonymous of same meaning, every time we call we also control. †Karl W. Deutsch, William J. Foltz, 2010 The nerves of government political Communication and Control â€Å"is proposed similar political regime system Cyber zonular, describes the relationship between the political system and its surroundings under shape or environment Cyber zonular, which imagined that communication as a system of decisions based on the flood of diverse information, and is communication and media the most important issues in political science, and confirms it is wrong to neglecting or underestimation the role of other changes. †Dr. Schwatzenberg, 1990 â€Å"Political communication is the path that moves the political information one part to another parts of the political regime and between this system and the social system, it is path continuously to exchange of information between individuals and groups at all levels, It is especially the exchange of information between rulers and ruled that will ensure the agreement between them, each governor seeks to accepting his decisions, and all governed trying to structured and their needs are taken in the consideration, and compatibility and harmonization be realized only through the communication and through exchange. †Harold Dwight Lasswell, Peter de Leon, 2009 â€Å"Political community like the pyramid, where rulers are elite at the top of the pyramid and the masses of people at the base, and between them there experts and specialists in the middle between the top and the base, and being communication processes on the basis that each nation have political ystem specific consists of elite, They are responsible for the decision and supervision on the states economic resources and human resources, to achieve the goals and programs of the State, the ruling elite and using tools of communication specialized experts believing they are the ones those can be in the process of communication between the elite and controlled groups, and staff working in this area have their role in attracting public attention to social issues. †Alvin Toffler, 1984 â€Å"That there is a relationship substantially between communication process and the political process, if the world of politics is based on power, the desires of those who have power must be transmitted to the expect they will respond to it, and if the world of politics is based on the legitimacy of the highest authority, the matter requires a means by which based the symbolic expression of values and procedural standards for such systems, and if the world of politics based on participation, this means finding channels transporting the interests and demands of the citizens to decision makers. †Kenneth E. Boulding. 989 â€Å"The political process, such as the decision-making process, it is also a test of the roles of power in society, and in response to the images Stereotypes formed by political means of communication in society, The means of communication change of images Stereotypes of individuals, and political behavior based on images Stereotypes. †Theories and Models of Communication (Difference Job Title and convergence of concept and function) Studies in Communication Sciences provided us science of communication in the framework is not clear in terms of mixing in some of the concepts and nomenclature may be the reason in that transfers of these sciences at the hands of a Type is not specialized and qualified in the field of media and communication. So still confusion exists between science communication and science media and between theories and models in communication process but after multiple studies in the field of media, communication and development study of media and communications at universities and institutes in the third world and after a significant increase in who have advanced degrees in media from Western universities appeared a new generation of communication scholars provided us this real science in its context where they ruled for differentiating between the media and science communication and science and have sacrificed the relationship between them, and provided us both models and theories on the units and they ruled for differentiating among them.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Aristotle and Meteorology Essay Example for Free
Aristotle and Meteorology Essay Introduction: Aristotle wrote about many subjects that can be grouped into five general divisions: logic, physical works, psychological works, natural history works, and philosophical works. One of the little known physical works concerned meteorology. Aristotles views on meteorology are fascinating, but many of the views were not accurate. This paper compares only a few of his views to actual meteorological facts. I. Biography A. Birth and growth B. Influence on writings II. Basis of Aristotles meteorology A. Elements and theory B. Science and facts III. Water vapor and precipitation A. Aristotles view B. Science and fact. IV. Winds A. Aristotles view B. Science and fact Conclusion: Aristotle explained the various meteorological phenomenon in simplistic terms. The explanations match his theory of how matter and shape were interrelated. Aristotles ideas on water vapor and precipitation were somewhat accurate, considering that there were no tools to measure the atmosphere in his time. His views on wind, however, were not accurate at all. He wrote extensively on winds, but never fully comprehended how wind occurred. September 5, 2000 Aristotle on Meteorology Aristotle was born in 384 BC, at Stagirus, a Greek colony on the Aegean Sea near Macedonia. In 367 BC, Aristotle entered the Academy at Athens and studied under Plato, attending his lectures for a period of twenty years. In the later years of his association with Plato and the Academy, he began to lecture on his own account, especially on the subject of rhetoric. When Plato died in 347, Aristotle and another of Platos students, Xenocrates, left Athens for Assus, and set up an academy (Encyclopedia 2). In 342, Aristotle returned to Macedonia and became the tutor to a very young Alexander the Great. He did this for the next five to seven years. Both Philip and Alexander appear to have paid Aristotle high honor. There are stories that indicate the Macedonian court supplied Aristotle with funds for teaching, and with slaves to collect specimens for his studies in natural science (Encyclopedia 4). Aristotle returned to Athens when Alexander the Great began his conquests. He found the Platonic school flourishing under Xenocrates, and Platonism the dominant philosophy of Athens (Encyclopedia 5). Aristotle thus set up his own school at a place called the Lyceum. When teaching at the Lyceum, Aristotle had a habit of walking about as he discoursed. It was because of this that his followers became known in later years as the peripatetics, meaning, to walk about (Shakian 126). For the next thirteen years, he devoted his energies to his teaching and composing his philosophical treatises. His institution integrated extensive equipment, including maps and the largest library collection in Europe. He is said to have given two kinds of lectures: the more detailed discussions in the morning for an inner circle of advanced students, and the popular discourses in the evening for the general body of lovers of knowledge. At the sudden death of Alexander in 323 BC, the pro-Macedonian government in Athens was overthrown, and a general reaction occurred against anything Macedonian. A charge of impiety was trumped up against Aristotle. To escape prosecution he fled to Chalcis in Euboea so that (Aristotle says) The Athenians might not have another opportunity of sinning against philosophy as they had already done in the person of Socrates (Encyclopedia 5). In the first year of his residence at Chalcis he complained of a stomach illness and died in 322 BC (Encyclopedia 7). One of Aristotles writings is about meteorology. His theories are based on his belief that all objects in the world are composed of form and matter and the world is arranged according to the relative standing each object occupies in the universe (Shakian 127). This basis led to his theory that any motion was from the center or to the center (Encyclopedia 28). Aristotle saw the universe as a scale lying between the two extremes: form without matter on one end, and matter without form on the other end. Additionally, he believed all matter is made of four bodies: fire, air, water, and earth (Encyclopedia 29). With this information as a basis, it is no wonder that any remaining theories would probably be incorrect. Scientific fact cannot disprove that all objects are of form and matter. Any one can agree or disagree with that philosophy. However, scientific fact does show that movement can occur in directions away from the center or toward the center. For example, solar radiation from the sun does not travel in direct lines to or from a center. Some of the radiation scatters into space. Some is reflects from the earths surface and is lost into space (Lutgens 37-43). Air molecules do not move toward or away from a center. Air particles move in an infinite number of directions due to molecule size, shape, weight and composition. Finally, Aristotles theory that matter is made of four bodies is dramatically short sighted. Air is a mixture of at least nine different components and is constantly changing in composition. Nitrogen and oxygen make up nearly 99% of the volume of dry air. Of all the components of air, carbon dioxide is the most interest to meteorologists (Lutgens 5). In all fairness, Aristotle had no way to measure or determine the exact components of the atmosphere. In book 1, part 3 of Aristotles meteorology, Aristotle describes his explanation of water vapor. His explanation describes the area between the surface of the earth and the visible portion of the Milky Way. It is important to note that he views the Milky Way as a plane or upper level surface (Aristotle, Meteorology 253). Aristotle is very close to a scientific answer when he deduced that what immediately surrounds the earth is not mere air, but a sort of vapour, and that its vaporous nature is the reason why it condenses back to water again (Aristotle, Meteorology 253). His logic is interesting when he indicates that this expanse of a body cannot be fire for then all the rest would have dried up (Aristotle Meteorology 254). In part 9, Aristotle addressed the issue of precipitation. He explained that air condensing into water becomes a cloud. Mist is what remains when a cloud condenses into water. He further explained that when water falls in small drops, it is drizzle, and when the drops are larger, it is called rain (Aristotle Meteorology 267). This is one area where Aristotle was close to accurate. One flaw is his view of the Milky Way as a flat plane. Science has shown that the Milky Way is just one of an infinite number of star galaxies. Aristotle realized water vapor existed. He also realized that the area between the earth and the heavens was not fire. What Aristotle deduced as water vapor is scientifically referred to as a parcel of air. As the air parcel rises, it cools and may condense to form a cloud (Lutgens 81). Aristotle believed the remains of water vapor that did not form a cloud was mist. Actually, what remains is just other air parcels. The energy used to condense the air molecule is released as latent heat creating a cycle of rising and sinking air molecules (Lutgens 82-83). Aristotle provided names for the size of water droplets. It is possible that Aristotle coined the names drizzle and rain. Scientifically, drizzle is defined as small droplets of less than . 5 mm. Rain is defined as droplets of . 5 mm to 5 mm (Lutgens 131). Aristotle dedicated several chapters to the theory of winds. Without scientific measurements, the cause or theory of wind was difficult to determine or explain. Aristotle compared wind to a flowing river in book 1 (Aristotle Meteorology 348). Unfortunately, Aristotle could not discern why the river of wind never dried up. Therefore, he abandoned that theory and analogy of wind and simply tried to explain rivers instead. In book two, he dedicated three more chapters to wind. Aristotle used his theory of water vapor and direct observation of something he called smoke to describe the occurrence of wind. He related the rising water vapor and the heat of the sun. This combination created wind. Rain contributed to wind development by causing calm winds after a rain (Encyclopedia 191). Wind must have been a difficult subject for Aristotle to explain, considering how much was written about the subject. The facts indicate he was close to an answer but never fully understood the concept of wind. The definition of wind is the result of horizontal differences in air pressure. Air flows from areas of high pressure to areas of lower pressure. It is natures method to balance inequalities of pressure. Unequal heating of the earths surface generates the pressure differences. Therefore, solar radiation is the ultimate driving force of wind (Lutgens 149). The effects Aristotle explained were often the results of the pressure changes. He realized the sun had some influence. The clam wind after a rain is an occurrence with strong thunderstorms that leave a micro scale high-pressure dome in their wake (Lutgens 153). Aristotle explained the various meteorological phenomenon in simplistic terms. The explanations match his theory of how matter and shape were interrelated. Aristotles ideas on water vapor and precipitation were somewhat accurate, considering there were no tools to measure the atmosphere in his time. His views on wind, however, were not accurate at all. He wrote extensively on winds but never fully comprehended how wind occurred Works Cited Aristotle. Great Books of the Western World. Volume 1. Chicago: Robert P. Gwinn, 1990. Aristotle. Meteorology 113 438. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Internet Address: http://classics. mit. edu/Aristotle/meteorology. 1. i. html. Translated by E. W. Webster. 27 Aug. 2000. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1-321. University of Tennessee at Martin. Internet Address: http://www. utm. edu/research/iep/a/aristotl. htm. 24 Aug. 2000. Lutgens, Frederick K. and Edward J. Tarbuck. The Atmosphere. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992. Sahakian, William S. and Mabel Lewis Sahakian. Ideas of the Great Philosophers. New York: Barnes Noble Inc. , 1970.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Romantic Comedy Genre
The Romantic Comedy Genre If even half of the projects picked up this year actually get the green light, the first decade of the next millennium may be known as the Romantic Comedy Decade. Sales totals for the genre surged ahead of former rivals Action-Adventure and Science Fiction, landing squarely in the coveted fourth spot [below Comedy, Drama and Thriller]. There was a 50 per cent increase in the number of romantic comedy scripts bought by studios in 1998 compared to the previous year. Examples of films in this period are Four weddings and a Funeral (UK; 1994), My Best Friends Wedding (1997), Shakespeare in Love (UK/US, 1998) and There is Something about Mary (1998). Each year from 1981, the trend is towards a much higher volume of production with especially sustained activity from 1997-9 (Krutnik 2002, p10). Romantic Comedy imports from US also increased from mid-1990s. Films such as the international success Notting Hill (1999) and the Australian-French co-production Green Card (1990) encouraged Hollywood involvement in co-productions. Examples are Sliding Doors (UK/US, 1998) and Bridget Jones Diary (France/UK/US, 2001). Most of the US-British partnership ventures, however, are adaptations of prestige literary or dramatic properties targeted at international audiences (Krunik 2002, p132), including Sense and Sensibility (UK/US; 1995) and Emma (UK/US; 1996). What exactly is Romantic Comedy? How is it defined in order to help people to understand what it actually is? Romantic Comedy: a genre, a family of genres (marriages, manners, screwball), a category of production and marketing, a category of analysis. Definition, even delimitation, is difficult or impossible because all Hollywood films (except some war films) have romance and all have comedy. A workable subset romantic comedy might refer to those films in which romance and comedy are the primary components as crime, war, etc (Krunik 2002, p132) As Handerson said, the word romantic comedy not only is a particular type of a story on two lovers but it also circulates as something of a free-floating signifier that can designate a bewildering array of possible combinations of sex and comedy (Krunik 2002, p 133). Billy Mernit, who is a famous author of romantic comedy, assigns the success of romantic comedy which has continued since the 1980s to its ability to mix with other film genres. Hybridity is by no means a new development within Hollywood genre films, and it is certainly no stranger to romantic comedy (Krunik 2002, p133). Examples are Ball of Fire (1941), in which romantic comedy and elements of the gangster films are combined, I Married a Witch (1942) joins romantic comedy and supernatural fantasy and Too Hot to Handle (1938) combines romantic comedy with aviation adventure. Though there are many exceptions that prove the rule (e.g., the thoroughly old-fashioned Pretty Women), contemporary mainstream audiences seem amenable to movies that mix it up. And this is true of your buyers (the studios); a romantic comedy that promises crossover potential is more likely to pique their interest than a straight-up traditional one (Mernit, B) Pretty Women is a film which is female-centred, pure straight romantic comedy appeals to women whereas the cross-genre film has broader audience. What is more, some of new romances have the elements of sporting backgrounds. For instance, Bull Durham (1998), The Cutting Edge (1992), The American President (1995) and Bulworth (1998). In addition, another trend since 1990s has been the extension of the romantic comedy process to gay relationships (Krunik 2002, p 136). Gay scenarios have been combined within comedies aiming at broader audiences, such as The Next Best Thing (2000), The Object of My Affection (1998) and As Good as It Gets and Chasing Amy (1997). Therefore, it can be said that contemporary romantic has been reconstructed for audiences based on age, ethnicity and sexual preference. In romantic comedies, the real subject is the power of love. Love is not merely the catalyst for action in a romantic comedy, it is the shaper of the story arc. Although many romantic comedies seem to initially set up their protagonists eventual mate as their antagonist, in most cases love itself is the antagonist. Wrestling with love can force a character to grow or to resist growth, but either way, loves effect on the central character is what drives the story. Billy Mernit Heterogeneity and hybridity (Spicer 2001, p184) are the prominent features of masculinity in contemporary British cinema. It means that the range of male forms is much broader than ever before. One of the major ways by which identity is able to be reconstructed is through the mass media as this provides an outlet whereby the expression of alternative identities can be communicated. The media therefore becomes a focus whereby different expressions of gender identity can be expressed and debated. In recent years, there have been rapid changes in many ways within the politics, society and culture. There are many significant reasons for these changes. As the result of these changes there were crucial impacts on social movements. Feminism is often said to be one of the most well known social movement. The key elements and developments of both feminism and cultural discourses are closely related to each other. Question arises at this point, such as what it means to be a woman and man, how are feminine and masculine identities constructed and what is the nature of femininity, masculinity? Not only to feminists but people such as intellectuals, politicians, artists and of course ordinary women and men is interested in such struggles within the culture and society. Since, those struggle occurs when people characterises their existence by repeating the same routine within peoples daily lives. This section will examine the key elements on sex and gender to elucidate the cultural meaning within the media. Gender is a way in which social practice is ordered. In gender processes, the everyday conduct of life is organized in relation to a reproductive arena, defined by the bodily structures and processes of human reproduction. This arena includes sexual arousal and intercourse, childbirth and infant care, bodily sex difference and similarity (Connell 1995, p71). For Judith Butler, who is an American philosopher and has contributed to the fields of feminism, queer theory, political philosophy and ethics, the various manifestation of gender in culture are driven by the self-same expressions deemed to be its consequences (Butler, 1990, p25) is accepted as gender is driven by performance, or the very activity of presentation, it is therefore dependent on what and how this is currently expressed by the individual that, ultimately, constitutes the crucial determining factor, and not an all-embracing universal disposition. In this sense, Butler sees gender as a regulatory fiction that is sustained by performative acts. Due to the fact that the choices an individual can potentially make in relation to gender are restricted thanks to ongoing cultural norms and assumptions, a person is therefore presented with a limited choice of possible identities. Individuals are thereby obliged to follow a course that fits the male/female dichotomy through perform ing and conforming to prevailing gender stereotypes. Furthermore, if the gender is socially constructed the relations between sex and gender become more unstable which makes gender independent from sex. As butler puts it in her writing that, gender is free-floating artifice which culturally constructed, indeed perhaps sex was already gender, so that the sex/gender distinction is actually not a distinction at all (Butler, 1990 p7). Butler suggests that it is possible to have a designated female body and not to show traits generally considered feminine, in other words, one may be a masculine female or a feminine male. One way of challenging such assumptions, Butler suggests, is to encourage awareness of these limitations by the creation of alternative gender scenarios that can lead to a more genuine realisation of ones identity. In effect, this provides for greater flexibility and range of options by which a person is able to construct a unique individuality. The fashion world definitely had the great impact on gender identification. It has been the case that distinctions of the gender are made when looking at fashion magazines such as masculine male and feminine female. The stereotypes of the gender role are repeatedly shown in the advertisements, fashion runways. As if it is saying that this how men and women should look like thus it limits our choice. These examples that I am going to give show how some of Butlers ideas have been taken up in a practical manner. Tailored jacket, bow tie and so forth have been socially accepted for mens clothing. However wearing mens clothing item such as oversized tailored jacket or a bow tie become as a fashion trend for womens clothing in recent years. This indicates from my point of view, that there are no such assumptions or rule for the style of gender identity. There are no set of rules for wearing clothes in order to represent certain genders identity. However there are social taboos which limit people to choose their own identity. But by looking images or photographs in magazines gender is not something fixed it is actually transformable as it shifts in style time to time. Thus, it can be explained that it is challenging the male dominance by reducing the assumption of the cultural meaning of the gender and sex to the level of fashion and style. Another example is how the boundary of men and women has been blurred. First example is a skinny male fashion model, what I found interesting in this example is that how assumption of the male body has been changed. Within the fashion industry, where their fashion products should be sold in order to make a profit. Traditional male fashion models in the past showed strong masculine male body to represent their products. Furthermore, second example is a photo shot of male fashion model by PRADAs spring/fall collection. As I explained of skinny male models above, PRADA also chooses skinny male model. But this time the model is wearing a trousers and a skirt at the same time. This also can be explained as it is breaking the traditional gender stereotype. The formula which says that I dont wear a skirt therefore I am male I am male therefore I dont wear a skirt fails in this image. Again it is just the style and fashion which blurs the boundary of fixed gender and sex .These examples above show how some of Butlers ideas have been taken up in a practical rather than passive way to meaningfully challenge how the public view gender to the extent that the younger generation are now coming to accept a more ambivalent attitude towards sex and gender. Moreover, androgynous models seem to becoming more common in the media a further sign that boundaries are becoming permeable. All societies have cultural accounts of gender, but not all have the concept of masculinity. In its modern usage the term assumes that ones behaviour results from the type of person one is. That is to say, an unmasculine person would behave differently: being peaceable rather than violent, conciliatory rather than dominating, hardly able to kick a football, uninterested in sexual conquest, and so forth (Connell 1995, p67). Perhaps we are aware of masculinity than ever before as it has become one of the interests that have been analysed since mid 1980s. Definitions of masculinity have mostly have taken our cultural standpoint for granted, but have followed different strategies to characterise the type of person who is masculine (Connell 1996, p68). Essentialist focuses on the core of masculine and their lives whereas positivist finds out what men actually are. Normative definition is a standard and explains that masculinity is that men should be. Semiotic definition, however, is that masculinity is non-femininity so that the level of personality is limited. Rather than attempting to define masculinity as an object (a natural character type, a behavioural average, a norm), we need to focus on the processes and relationships through which men and women conduct gendered lives. Masculinity, to the extent the term can be briefly defined at all, is simultaneously a place in gender relations, the practices through which men and women engage that place in gender, and the effects of these practices in bodily experience, personality and culture'(Connell 1996, p71). A concern of much early masculinity scholarship was to highlight the range and diversity of male identities that exist both within society as a whole and in specific settings (Crew 2003, p27). It means that there is class difference between men and the power that they have masculinities in working-class and middle-class to different experiences of capitalist working practice (Tolson 1977; Willis 1977). Tolson described masculinity in working-class as characterised by collective recognition and solidarity, physical toughness and presence, bravado, confrontation, anti-authority sentiment, and the avoidance of feelings (Crew 2003, p27). By contrary, masculinity of middle-class was described as moral dignity, emotional restraint, respectability and individualised notions of self-discipline, ambition and competitiveness (Crew 2003, p27). The interweaving of masculinity and class was most clearly illustrated in Paul Willis (1977) ethnography of a group of working-class lads. Most striking was how the lads associated different types of work with different genders such that they valorised their own identities and the futures that awaited them explicitly masculine terms (Crew 2003, p27). For example, it is both shop floor workers and managers in middle-class who construct a masculine hierarchy in which physical labour is at the summit (Roper 1994: 106). Managers find it hard to show their masculine position and masculinity in their work. It was suggested by Collison and Hearn (1996) that similarly, whilst shop floor workers reject the idea of promotion because it would compromise their masculine self-images (Crew 2003, p27), men working in office also are endangered by what they think of their work as unmasculine. What is more, it is important to see the difference here between what men want to be and what they really are. masculine identities are lived out in the flesh but fashioned in the imagination, with cultural representations providing the repertoire of cultural forms upon which fantasies are cast (Dawson 1991: 118). Masculine heterosexuality somewhat in line with the laddish personalities they were ascribed in the press (Crewe 2003, p 128). They are certainly not macho, overbearing or aggressive: nor did they exhibit the emotionally inhibited toughness of Ropers (1994) organisational men (Crew 2003, p 128). There are two social practices that reinforce oppressive, discriminatory forms of heterosexuality are homophobia and the sexual objectification of women (Pease 2000, p76). The term homophobia is created by The Gay Liberation Movement to identify the fear of homosexuality. According to Kirk and Madsen (1989:26-7), hetero sexual men dislike gays because they believe that homosexuality is caused by sinfulness, mental illness or recruitment (Pease 2000, p 76). It means that homosexuality is a distortion: gay men are evil and corrupted. Most heterosexuals have this misidentification and misconception as they have a negative image of the gay world. Sedgwick (1985:1) used the term homosocial to describe the non-sexual social bonds between men and to analyse how these social bonds keep men in power (Pease 2000, p77). The inability to recognise any homosexual impulses in oneself causes men to project all homosexuality desires outward on to gay men (Kupers, 1993:49) (Pease 2000, p77). Therefore, homophobia is seen as caused by hidden homosexuality. Many men are not aware of flaws or suspects of their heterosexuality. So if heterosexual men regard themselves as normal, homosexual men become abnormal. Heterosexual men try to avoid doing anything that other men might interpret as effeminate or unmanly. Men fear that any intimacy between men may sully their sexual identity (Pease 2000, p 78). Most heterosexual men are attracted by womens bodies and this objectification is the process by which men sees the woman as a thing or an object and fixation to the process of focusing on parts of the female body (Buchbinder, 1987:65-6) (Pease 2000, p84). Heterosexual men are aware of sexism and they often feel torn between their sexual desire and their awareness that their expressed fantasies about women can be experienced as oppressive by women (Horowitz and Kaufman, 1987:81) (Pease 2000, p84). Objectification is one of the key processes in mens sexual relationships with women, in which often a part of the women is seen to represent the whole (Kaufman, 1993: 124) (Pease 2000, p84). Heterosexual men have not done any reflective writings about their sexual desires: Rich (1983:66) has also challenged men to say why they like pornography, whilst gay men have challenged heterosexual men to be up front about their sexuality (Stoltenberg, 1991: 8) (Pease 2000, p85). In part these changes reflect the present state of British film-making which has become decentred and eclectic, lacking studio infrastructure or dominant producers of the earlier period (Spicer 2001, p184). Since 1970s, British film production has recovered and a new generation of film producers has become known that grips a more commercial cinema. The arrival of the multiplexes encouraged revival in cinema-going (Spicer 2001, p184) in all UK. Most of cinema-goers are young people, but ABC1 is the major audience who frequently do cinema-going. The balance between men and women is equal. However, cinema-going will never return to its former importance as a leisure pursuit, but film viewing continues to be a significant part of popular culture with the majority of films watched on television or on video (Spicer 2001, p185). The use of DVD and internet help to increase consumption of film viewing and it eventually makes cinema remain a popular and influential medium, among all classes and age groups and representation of masculinity (Spicer 2001, p185). It has developed from successful British films put in to a national image culture. This section will look at various complex types of masculinity in contemporary British Cinema and give examples for each type. James Bond has been the most enduring post-war British film hero in twenty films spanning thirty-eight years (Spicer 2001, p185). Films that represent Bonds heroic masculinity are A View to a Kill (1987) where Roger Moore re-created Bond as an old-style debonair hero, more polished and sophisticated (Spicer 2001, p185) and The World is Not Enough (1999). He continues to be a hero who keeps the masculinity of traditional male adventurer. There is a new man concept which emerged within commercial culture, in particular, within retailing, advertising, and the early formation of the UK mens magazine market (Crew 2003, p27) and it was in many ways driven by the discovery of a new market (Seidler 1997, p8). The formation of new man imagery has developments in and associated with menswear play an important role. Together with the reshaping of the mens toiletries and grooming products markets, development in menswear markets set some of the big terms for the emergence of the new man imagery (Nixon 1996, p31). The new man concept is the creation of imagery that represented men in ways that were more narcissistic, self-conscious, emotionally expressive, domesticated and feminine than conventional iconography of patriarchal authority, action and machismo (Brannon 1976; Goffman 1979; Wenick 1987) (Crew 2003, p 31). Nixon said the new man imagery was most important in that it represented a loosening of the binary opposition between gay and straight-identified men and extended the space available within the representational regimes of popular consumption for an ambivalent masculine identity (Nixon 1996: 202) (Crew 2003, p 31). The New Man was an alternative image to the macho tough guy, embracing female roles and qualities, a vulnerable nurturer in touch with his emotions, but also rather narcissistic (Spicer 2001, p 187). Hugh Grant in two romantic comedy films embodied the New Man: Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) and Notting Hill (1999). Both films show the gentle, low-rent Man About Town, lovably awkward, tongue-tied, endlessly self-deprecating and sexually naà ¯ve (Spicer 2001, p 187). The independence and the power of women in films like Four Weddings and Notting Hill made Grant show more feminine sides. This is manifested in his insecurity and compliance, his lack of ambition and his desire for stability and heterosexual union, thereby fulfilling his supportive New Man credentials (Spicer 2001, p187). The type of the damaged man appears so frequently in recent British cinema and it has become the most representative image (Spicer 2001, p195). Shallow Grave (1994), Jude (1996) and Heart( 1998) are the performances of Christopher Eccleston who showed the figure of the damaged man with his gaunt features and suffering eyes (Spicer 2001, p 195). Mike Leighs Naked (1993) shows that the underclass male is often irreparably damaged by social disintegration and the film deepened this paradigm into an existentialist nightmare (Spicer 2001, p196). Mark Renton in Trainspotting is perhaps the most representative contemporary male: young, alienated, but also a chameleon, neither hero, villain, conformist or rebel. He is the product of a culture that is decentred and heterogeneous, no longer recognising clear national, ethical or sexual boundaries, where forms of masculinity are becoming increasingly hybrid and audiences delight in the knowingness and self-referentiality of popular culture (Spicer 2001, p 204). Contemporary British cinema has capability to produce positive forms. In Affairs to Remember, Bruce Babington and Peter Evans define romantic comedy as a genre that centres on the couple, celebrating the passionate but hopefully companionate love that brings them together, and typically ending at the moment of passage into the responsibilities of marriage (Babington and Evans 1989:234). (Spicer 2004, p78). In Britain, successful romantic comedy films since the revival are If Only (Maris Ripoll, 1998), Fanny Elvis (Kay Mellor, 1998), Sliding Doors (Peter Howitt, 1997) and Hugh Grant films. Hugh Grant is arguably the most successful current British star, famous throughout the world, able to sell a film on the strength of his name alone (Spicer 2004, p77). The revival of British romantic comedy is linked with popularity that Grant has. Grants films such as Notting Hill (Roger Michell, 1999), Four Weddings and a Funeral (Mike Newell, 1994), Bridget Jones Diary (Sharon McGuire, 2001) and About a Boy (Chris and Paul Weitz, 2002) share a central characteristic: the reluctance to commit, and yet the need to find love meaningful and central to well-being and happiness (Spicer 2004, p77). In Bridget Jones Diary, Grant was No More Mr Nice Guy (Spicer 2004, p83), and his bare-chested in tight leather trousers was photographed in womens magazines to show his new and more muscular body. Hugh Grant plays Renee Zellweggers boss at the publishing company, Daniel Cleaver, sophisticated, sexy professional with long, flowing dark locks and rakish hair (Spicer 2004, p 83). Cleaver is another familiar archetype, the Byronic anti-hero. The essence of the type is its fascinating eroticism (Spicer 2004, p83). The scene where he is undressing Bridget and he says, Silly little boots, silly little dress and these fuck me absolutely enormous pants. Dont apologise, I like them. Hello Mummy! Thats all him. Id have written What the fuck are those knickers? or something similar. He fooled around a lot on Bridget because it was in line with his own style of naughtiness. (Curtis in Raphael 2002s:13) (Spicer 2004, p 83). Some judged that he, like many Byronic males, was more attractive than tedious virtue (Spicer, p84), Daniel is has more charisma than dull Darcy.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay example --
Issue 1: Misuse of Patient Medical Information by Unauthorized Individual Usually this health monitoring system is using wireless technology. The system can transmit signals from patient to the healthcare provide when the odd signs are detected, the patient can get help immediately. Since this system transmitted data through wireless, therefore it is open to all of the wireless threats for instances eavesdropping and information theft. One of the privacy issues would be theft can easily get the patient medical information and misuse it, if there without proper authentication and patient medical information is not encrypted. So that, every pervasive system should provide strong authentication and incorporate basic encryption to protect the patient medical information. Issue 2: Prescription leakage Another issue is pharmacies or doctors transfer or sale the prescription data to third part. With the detailed information about the patient could easily portray the patient completely is avoided because it is crime, so that they sale only part of data. This raises the privacy issue of whet...
Death of a Salesman :: essays research papers
     It is late evening and the sun is about to set on old highway 53 heading south from Yonkers to home. Willy driving in is car, continuously thinking to himself, what he his going to do about all his problems. You see Willy is down on himself about his success in life. He thinks to himself that he could be better known and make more money to pay off his bills. As Willy is driving down the road it becomes hard for him to concentrate on the road as he thinks more and more about the good things that had not happened to him. Willy is going home to a wife that loves him very much and two sons who care about him like two sons should even though they have caused a lot of stress on Willy. Once young adults grow up and you get through to them they usually will come around and be a productive considerate member of society. Willy thought long and hard the rest of the twenty minuet drive about nothing but negative things. Willy has a lot of positive things going for him, and at the moment he can’t grasp them. He pulls up to his home and gathers his briefcase with files of sales and heads to the front door. (Scene 1 begins)      Linda in the morning of her husband’s death whom she still loves very much is finding it hard for herself to go on with her life. She knows she has her boys who love her very much and are going to be there for her. She sits and thinks how hard Willy worked for them to own that house and know she sees no reason to go on with here life. The community came together to encourage Linda to carry on and with this she meet a lot of people. She is know seeing someone a little younger than her, but he his in the house to comfort her. She thinks what it would have been like with Willy still there or if he his watching right know. The two sons are doing well know, they are both out west working hard in the construction business and make a point to visit mom and the grave of Willy Loman, there hard working stressed father. They all think to themselves if he where here know he could have been able to enjoy himself hopefully.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
My Own Understanding Of Politics :: essays research papers
My Own Understanding of Politics      â€Å"A means by which individuals and interest groups compete to shape government’s impact on society’s problems and goals.†Politics is easily defined. It is the concept behind the words that is more difficult to understand. Though politics is the primary method of communicating with government, this is not the only time politics are used. Immediate, individual interests, wants, and needs must be satisfied, as well as societal problems. The pursuit of interest is the purpose and initiation of political behavior.      The moment an individual actively pursues an interest or works toward the completion of a goal, it is projected outside him. For example, a person is shopping for a car. The situation is no longer individual because he cannot achieve his goal of obtaining a new car alone; another person or dealership must make the car available to him. Because the person selling the car also has a goal, there is interplay of interests, and the implications of politics.      Negotiation over a car, or anything of interest involves a distribution of attention from one side to another. Just as a car has a seller and a buyer, the government has different political parties, and each issue has a group for and against it. Gaining cooperation from the other side requires strategy.      Tactics used range from peaceful, including persuasion and civil disobedience, to violent. But the expectation of reward and the actual probability of reward essentially dictate political action. Rewards are both individual and societal. Power and the ability to control motivate our political leaders. Desire for wealth fuels citizens and the economy. Skilled citizens are represented in the technologically advanced Japanese population. Enlightenment comes from an educated society. Health is invaluable to everyone, and to society when average life spans increase. And finally, respect, morality, and affection are the values that make up a person’s essence. Government is just as involved in the distribution of rewards and the claiming of values as individuals. Its leadership is the nucleus of society. The government allocates resources (money), deciding the fate of such programs as Medicare and welfare reform and the means, usually tax dollars, to pay for these programs. Government is the goal-attaining unit, and its decisions reflect those goals. The government is responsible for building a foundation now to prepare for the future. These decisions for the future are some of the most difficult ones to make.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Retirement vs. Strife in Old Age Essay
A man that spends many years in active service be it for himself or for a more noble reason such as his country or people, would more certainly than not find retirement a disorienting prospect once he faces it. Retirement means stopping whatever has kept one alive and working for most of his healthy years. It means realigning his goals, getting used to other, more leisurely and less strenuous habits as befitting old age, and preparing to face death with peace and resignation. In Lord Alfred Tennyson’s poem â€Å"Ulysses†, the mythical hero of Homer’s epics expresses his anxiety about coming back home to Ithaca to reclaim his old responsibilities as king after years of traveling overseas and fighting the Trojan war, and his desire of undertaking a new adventure, instead. The poem begins with Ulysses dreading his return to resume the job of â€Å"an idle king†(Tennyson 1). He could not imagine the relevance of staying home â€Å"with an aged wife†(Tennyson 3) and to â€Å"mete and dole†(Tennyson 4) rewards or punishments to the people he governsâ€â€most of whom he does not know nor they of him but for his position as king. Ulysses does not like his former life of idleness and monotony even if it was a life of comfort and wealth. He prefers to travel and seek for adventures, testing life to its limits. For Ulysses, traveling means enjoying and suffering unpredictable moments. The sea and foreign lands, unlike a kingdom, presents varied and new experiences. Those that he had experienced so far have given him â€Å"a hungry heart†(Tennyson 12). His voyages have brought him to strange places, allowed him to interact with different peoples, customs and cultures, and meet creatures unimaginable if one simply stayed in one place all his life. Moreover, he has experienced the â€Å"drunk delight†(Tennyson 16) of war in Troy. Nothing in his kingdom could equal the things he did and witnessed. All that Ulysses saw and did made him what he has become and has produced a kind of restlessness or thirst upon his soul that cannot now be satiated by ruling a kingdom. This past life as king has become dull in comparison to his life as a voyager and soldier. According to him, a person who is contented with his present life is like rusting and acknowledging that the only purpose of life is to breathe. Ulysses wants to â€Å"follow knowledge like a sinking star/ Beyond the utmost bound of human thought†(Tennyson 31-32). He would like to keep exploring and test the boundaries of the capacities of an ordinary mortal, even one who is already old and less agile. He believes that one’s age is not a factor to consider because â€Å"old age hath yet his honor and his toil†(Tennyson 50). Only death can stop and end the possibilities that life has to offer. In the end, Ulysses appoints his son, Telemachus, to take his place as king, leaving him â€Å"the scepter and the isle†(Tennyson 34). Meanwhile, he prepares to embark on another journey. The speaker’s exhortations to his former companions in the final stanza may well be read as words that any man should well take heed as a personal advice, especially those who are contemplating a sedentary retirement in their senior years. The lines encourage everyone to not worry about the physical limitations that old age imposes upon every individual because the weakness of the body can easily be overcome when one is â€Å"strong in will†(Tennyson 69). This is also how a heroic life is lived.
Friday, August 16, 2019
To Kill a Mocking Bird Literary Analysis Essay
Neolithic Revolution Food: seeds, nuts, fruits, plants (gatherers) Eventually: small to large game (hunters) Hunting = working together, tools, and communication Hunting = migration, move from Africa to Asia Homo sapiens – 100,000 to 400,000 years ago first appear What is the Neolithic Revolution? Neolithic Revolution: agricultural revolution. The switch from hunting and gathering to farming. Agriculture and life style change Men = hunters Women – take care of children, gather plants and fruit for food.Knowledge that seeds = food = BREAKTHROUGH!!!!! Raise wheat, rice, barely, millet Domestication of animals Leads to plow and fertilizers. From hunter gatherers to food producing = Neolithic Agricultural Revolution Causes of the Neolithic Revolution Change in Climate Rising Temperature Drier land for farming Population Boom What does farming provide that hunting doesn’t? Early Farming Methods Slash-and-burn farming Ashes fertilize the soil After a year or two move t o another area of land.Farming Develops in Many Places Africa: Nile River Valley India: Indus Valley China: The Huang He River Valley Mesopotamia: Fertile Crescent Ch 1 Sec 2: Where were these ancient civilizations? Economic Changes Surplus of food meant people had more free time Artisans (crafts people) created valuable new items (cloth, pottery) Traders profited from a wider variety of goods to trade Social Changes People worked together to solve problems build irrigation systems farm land create cities (urbanization)Creation of cities leads to government Some consider: calendar, tools, and writing/reading (education) Social classes emerge 1. Concept of private property Division of labor (specialized jobs) Religion becomes more organized Worshiping gods & goddesses, not forces of nature Neolithic Villages Discovered in the late 1950’s. Famous due to the large size, dense population, spectacular walls, & paintings of the Neolithic life. Catal Huyuk Mud brick Entrance from ab ove Burials under floor Reed mats for beddingPeriodically destroyed and rebuilt above Review Humans initially hunter and gatherers and lived in relative equality. Neolithic Revolution is a food revolution. More food = more people. More people = creation of civilizations. Civilizations = cities, religion, reading/writing, government, division of labor, division of social classes, tool making (tech), concept of time (calendar), free time, education This all leads to civilizations being established in: India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Kwame Nkrumah Strategies and ideologies towards Essay
Nkwame Nkrumah had a vision for Africa, he wanted to have a united continent where all the corners of this region can work together and talk in one voice. He was one of the great proponents of Panafricanism where he passionately advocated for such a union as the only solution to the many social, economic and political problems that this continent was facing. In essence he can be said to have provided a vision for the achievement of a united continental government of Africa. His passion was to see Africa united, he strongly believed that no single African country can achieve progress in most of the aspects on its own, unity among nation was such an important move as could harness the development in this continent which Nkrumah believed had a great potential. (Wallerstein, I. 1967) Nkrumah advocated for a collective African agency which can be largely be attributed for the initiation of the African groups within the United Nations. In 1960s Nkrumah organized the African states to vote as a block and nominated one of the African states for the United Nations membership. Nkrumah was advocating for a single African vote instead of micro nations. His reasoning was that a powerfully consolidated continent would be in a very good position to bargain rather than a fragmented continent which can not speak in one voice. He was of the opinion that the full realization of African nationalism would not be achieved until a single political unit was formed. (Wallerstein, I. 1967) Nkrumah was very instrumental in the formation of an African union. He together with other peer leaders in the African continent was the founding fathers of the Organization of African Union. He championed for unity in the continent so that they are net left behind while the other continents move forward. He used his oratory and negotiations skills to influence other African leaders to rally behind him and work together towards realization of this dream. His efforts bore fruit as the organization which was to be used as a vehicle to a united Africa was up and running. Whether this dream lives on to this time is not important the fact remains that this great African leader was dedicated towards achievement of African unity. Reference Wallerstein, I. (1967) Africa: The politics of unity. New York: Vintage Books.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Dietary Supplement Report
Every human body should contain dietary Supplements. According to cpmc. com dietary supplements are substances you eat or drink. Dietary supplements are widely available in the United States in health food stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, on the Internet, and by mail. As said on activecenterforhe. com Makers of dietary supplements cannot legally say that dietary supplements can diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease. People commonly take them for health-related reasons. As said on execbussiness. com they can be vitamins, minerals, herbs or other plants, amino acids, or parts of these substances. They can be in pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form. They supplement the diet and should not be considered a substitute for food. Dietary Supplements are intended to supplement the diet. They are also oral supplements. The three parts of Supplements are Health, Performance, and weight loss. There are many benefits of taking Dietary Supplements, According to livestrong. com such as; taking supplements on top of a healthy diet may be beneficial in ensuring your body have the nutrients it needs each day. In general, a balanced diet with sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables without many of saturated fats and sweet sugars contains most vitamins and minerals your body needs. Exceptions to this rule occur in young children who grow and may not get enough vitamins and minerals in their diets, and older adults who may have the same problem. According to nutrition. about. com Taking supplements can provide additional nutrients when your diet is lacking or when certain health conditions cause you to develop an insufficiency or deficiency. Deficiency means lack or shortage of something, for example vitamin A deficiency in children. Insufficiency means an adequate amount or quantity. Multiple vitamins are generally safe because they contain only small amours of each nutrient. Shown on livestrong. com the consumption of some dietary supplements may also help prevent cancer. A number of essential vitamins, including vitamins A, C and E, act as antioxidants in the body. Consuming dietary supplements may also aid in tissue maintenance and repair, processes that occur throughout your life. According to jag-lawfirm. om Dietary supplements may be good for you but there are risks from taking these supplements. Dietary supplement side effects can be serious, even fatal in some people, although consumers often take such supplements without realizing the risks. Side effects of supplements can be experienced when using too much of a product, but some people will suffer serious side effects when only using a small, recommended or le ss amount. The dosage or â€Å"serving†recommendations are not government tested or approved, and it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure the safety of recommended servings for everyone who uses the product. Unless you’re seriously deficient a lot of mineral soluble are not good for you. Most vitamins are ok as long as you only take your days allowance. 9according to live strong) Mega dose could be hazardous. For example too much Vitamin D could cause nausea and weakness just like too much vitamin C could cause diarrhea, vomiting and kidney stones. The government’s regulations surrounding dietary supplements are treated similar to food products, with some exceptions. According to livestrong. com The U. S. Food and Drug Administration were created to regulate all food and drugs in the United States as this agency does not monitor dietary supplements. The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, or (CFSAN), is a scientific regulatory organization responsible for cosmetics, drugs, medical devices and dietary supplements produced in and imported into the United States. As part of a 1994 act that helped to form this agency, the FDA created the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary, which provides dietary supplement guidelines and specifications. Manufactures are not required to register with the (FDA) Food and Drug administration. Dietary supplements are treated similarly to food products with some exceptions. Supplement manufacturers are not required to register with the FDA and do not need approval from the FDA to produce or sell a product. Not need approval from the FDA to produce or sell a product. Manufactures are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe. The health condition I choose is Anemia. As said on webmd. com Anemia is a condition that develops when your blood lacks healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the main part of red cell and binds of oxygen. Oral iron supplements are the best way to restore iron level for people who are iron deficient. Should only be used only when dietary measures have failed. Accidental overdose of iron-contain products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children younger than six years old. Any medicated product should also stay out the reach of children. If overdose occurs seek immediate medical attention or call poison control. Iron is the medication supplement used to treat or prevent low blood level of iron. Iron is an important mineral that the body needs to produce red blood cell and keep you in good health. According to physiciansoffice. com the dosage of iron for adults is 50 to 60mg of iron children 4 to 6mg per kg of body weight divided into three equal daily doses. Dietary supplements can be either good or fatal for you. These supplements are usually used for people who don’t receive enough nutrients, or people looking for an easy way of healthy living. Anemia is manageable when taking the proper dosage of supplements or eating a proper diet, which contains a well balance meal. References
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