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Monday, August 24, 2020
Recognize and Use Clauses in English Grammar
Perceive and Use Clauses in English Grammar A provision is the essential structure square of a sentence; by definition, it must contain a subject and an action word. Despite the fact that they seem straightforward, statements can work in complex routes in English syntax. A statement can work as a straightforward sentence, or it might be joined to different provisos with conjunctions to frame complex sentences. A proviso is a gathering of words that contains a subject and a predicate. It might be either a completeâ sentence (otherwise called a free orâ main proviso) or a sentence-like development inside another sentence (called a needy or subordinate statement). At the point when conditions are joined with the goal that one alters another, they are called framework provisos. Autonomous: Charlie purchased a 57 Thunderbird. Subordinate: Because he cherished great vehicles Grid: Because he adored exemplary vehicles, Charlie purchased a 57 Thunderbird. Conditions can work in a few different ways, as plot underneath. Descriptive word Clause This reliant proviso (descriptive word condition) is otherwise called a significant statement since it normally contains a relative pronoun or relative intensifier. It is utilized to change a subject, much as a modifier would, and is otherwise called a relative proviso. Model: This is the ball that Sammy Sosa hit over the left-field divider in the World Series.â Word intensifying Clause Another reliant proviso, verb-modifying statements work like an intensifier, showing time, place, condition, differentiate, concession, reason, reason, or result. Normally, a verb-modifying provision is set off with a comma and subjecting combination. Model: Although Billy cherishes pasta and bread, hes on a no-carb diet. Relative Clause These relative subordinate provisions use descriptive words or verb modifiers, for example, as or than to draw a correlation. They are otherwise called relative provisions. Model: Julieta is a superior poker player than I am. Supplement Clause Correlative provisos work like descriptors adjusting a subject. They generally start with a subjecting combination and alter the subject-action word relationship. Model: I never expected that you would travel to Japan. Concessive Clause A subordinate condition, the concessive proviso isâ used to differentiate or legitimize the fundamental thought of the sentence. It is regularly set off by a subjecting combination. Model: Because we were shuddering, I turned up the warmth. Contingent Clause Contingent clausesâ are simple to perceive on the grounds that they for the most part start with the word if. A kind of descriptive proviso, conditionals express a speculation or condition. Model: If we can arrive at Tulsa, we can quit driving for the evening. Arrange Clause Coordinateâ clauses for the most part beginâ with the conjunctions as well as yet and express relativity or relationship with the subject of the principle proviso. Model: Sheldon drinks espresso, yet Ernestine inclines toward tea. Thing Clause As the name recommends, thing clausesâ are a kind of ward proviso that capacities as a thing according to the primary condition. They are regularly counterbalanced with that, which, for sure. Model: What I accept is unimportant to the discussion. Announcing Clause The announcing proviso is all the more regularly known as attribution since it recognizes who is talking or the wellspring of what is being said. They generally follow the thing or thing statement. Model: Im heading off to the shopping center, yelled Jerry from the carport. Verbless Clause This sort of subordinate condition may not appear one since it comes up short on an action word. Verbless conditions give digressive data that informsâ but isn't legitimately altering the primary statement. Model: in light of a legitimate concern for curtness, I will keep this discourse short.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Porter Five Force Essay Example for Free
Watchman Five Force Essay Food administrations (high) Bartering intensity of providers: low. Food is a minimal effort industry; there is just a little value contrast between various providers. The providers need to sell their crude material ought to acknowledge the showcasing cost. Dealing intensity of purchasers: low The purchasers can choose to pick a less expensive food on the grounds that there is such huge numbers of food administration they can pick, the industry should set up a sensible cost. Danger of new participants: medium Individuals like to attempt new food. In any case, if the business has their own fixed clients, and making their own cooking style, the new contestants won't have a major participant to them. Danger of substitutes: high The food can be supplanted by another better food if the individuals like. It isn't necessities to eat just a single sort of food. There must to be some equivalent cooking style in various brand, for example, McDonald’s with KFC. Industry contenders: high Food administration is very advance in our life, there is numerous new food participants around us, individuals constantly prefer to attempt distinctive food. General product (low) Bartering intensity of providers: low The general product as a main situation to sell the items, thus, providers power is low. Providers scarcely influence the industry’s benefit. Haggling intensity of purchasers: high The general product gets famous, and we have a great deal of marked grocery store. Purchasers can have considerably more decision between various general stores; they can contrast the cost with pick a modest one. Danger of new participants: low General product cost is high so before passage this industry the contestants need parts venture. Numerous grocery stores previously marked so the new contestants barely to danger the former one. Danger of substitutes: low or medium There are may be many shopping way, as web based shopping. Notwithstanding, general product is the vital piece of people’s life, and furthermore their distinctive sort of product is the key factor to win. Industry competitorsï ¼Å¡high The brand is different in this industry, they need marking their own store to fortify the impression of individuals.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Are you going to finish strong
Are you going to finish strong Nick Vujicic has no arms or legs but has come to terms with his lot in life and he delivers this very inspirational speech.Full Name: Nicholas James Vujicic Born: 4 December 1982 in Melbourne, Australia Status: MarriedVideo length: 2.37 minutes Video can not load. Your browser does not support the video tag.Nick is limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level, as well as legs. Where legs are located, he has a small foot with two toes.Being bullied at school for his limbless disability, Vujicic grew depressed and by the age of eight, contemplated suicide. At age ten he tried to drown himself in his bathtub, but did not go through with it out of love for his parents.After praying to grow arms and legs and initially complaining to God that if he did not reply to his prayers he would not praise him indefinitely; Vujicic eventually realised that his accomplishments could inspire others and became grateful for his life.He began to master the daily tasks of life. He learned to write using the two toes on his left foot with a special grip that slid onto his big toe. He learned to use a computer and type using the heel and toe method. He learned to throw tennis balls, play drum pedals, get a glass of water, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone and shave.Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a double major in accountancy and financial planning. Subsequently he became a motivational speaker, travelling internationally and focusing on teen issues. Having addressed over three million people in over 24 countries on five continents, he speaks to corporate audiences, congregations and schools.Nick currently lives in Los Angeles, California, United States. On 12 February 2012, he married his fiancee, Kanae Miyahara. In August 2012 it was revealed that they are expecting their first child. Last updated: September 03, 2013
Friday, May 22, 2020
Metamorphosis And Rhinoceros Conformity Through The...
Metamorphosis and Rhinoceros both explore conformity through the representation of animals. Eugene Ionesco once said, ‘[A]mong the authors who have influenced me the most, the one who comes to mind immediately is Kafka. I would perhaps not have written the plays I wrote if there hadn t been Kafka’ (Jacquart and Ionesco 1973: 47). This may explain why the works of Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka (1915) and Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco (1959) use very similar components to explore conformity. The abstract representation of animals, in the two texts, is key to understanding the correlation between conformity and loss of humanity. However, Kafka uses an insect to represent how Gregor destructs his own humanity, whereas Ionesco looks at the danger of power in the collective by representing each conformist as a rhinoceros. Furthermore, animals representing humans are crucial to the themes of alienation and resistance in these texts. Kafka uses animals to alienate Gregor from conf orming to society. Arguably, the metamorphosis is the only way for Gregor to resist conforming, showing that Kafka represents animals as a physical rejection of conformist lifestyle. Comparably, Ionesco uses animals in the opposite way to Kafka. On one hand, he portrays Berenger’s alienation as a reason for resisting conformity. On the other, Ionesco explores the protagonist’s choice to resist, if he has one. Thus, this essay will prove that Kafka and Ionesco both use the representation of animals toShow MoreRelatedAlienation As The Reason For Berenger s Resistance1278 Words  | 6 Pagesresistance, in Rhinoceros. Alcoholism is a major cause of his alienation, in Act Three, Berenger considers alcohol as the reason for his isolation and subsequent inability to transform. When conversing with Dudard, he says ‘[A]lcohol is good for epidemics. It immunizes you †¦ Jean never touched alcohol. He just pretended to. Maybe that’s why he†¦ perhaps that explains his attitude’ (Ionesco 1960: 76). This insinuates that Berenger understands why he does not transform into rhinoceros, identifying his
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Untouchables in Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe
Many people see other people as equal or lower than or higher than them. This includes by wealth, knowledge or rights. Few people know about the caste system in India, but many people are able to point out the untouchables. Why? Is it because everyone knows that they are better than the untouchables? Some people feel that the untouchables are strictly only in India, but they don’t realize that even bigger countries have untouchables; they are just called something else. Many tribes in Africa also have untouchables, including the Igbo tribe. Untouchables are usually never accepted in any society, but they have their own place in which they live. According to, and untouchable is â€Å"a person disregarded or shunned by society or†¦show more content†¦The untouchables are in existence today mainly because of tradition or religion. No one should be kept in that environment, mentally or physically. I believe that everyone has the right to progress and have their own way to succeed; that is if they are given a chance to succeed. I think that children that are born to untouchables should be given a chance to leave their class and progress in their life socially. I also think that they can make their own choices on how things are concerned for them. In a CNN article it was mentioned that untouchables will have their own religion, their own flag, and their own holy book. Along with a new way of greeting people (CNN). I think that this was a good choice to do, mainly because they are now taking charge of themselves and showing that they have some authority over themselves. I am also forced to think that maybe this could be a bad thing for them. Would have their own religion hurt them? Will more people be placed under their class, now that it has kind of become its own society in someway? In the Igbo culture there are two different kinds of people, there are the Nwadialas and the Osu. The Nwadialas are the masters and they are basically free and have all the rights a person can have. The Osu is the people that are very low and this is obviously where the untouchables fight in. Having two different kinds of people can create very big problems. One of the main problems is communication. According to aShow MoreRelatedThings Falll Apart by Chinua Achebe1082 Words  | 4 PagesThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a story that portrays the tensions between the white Colonial Government and native-born people of Umuofia. Okonkwo, the main character, and a great village man is highly respected in the Igbo tribe of Umuofia. Although, Okonkwo is highly respected by the Igbo people, they are fearful of him because of his violent anger. When the Europeans arrived in Umuofia, they brought with them a new religion: Christianity. The Westerners changed Umuofia, destroyed traditi onRead More Things Fall Apart - White Missionaries Caused Umofia to Fall Apart1628 Words  | 7 PagesThings Fall Apart - White Missionaries Caused Umofia to Fall Apart     Faith has always been a guiding force in mans life. Chinua Achebes novel Things Fall Apart is a story that describes the effects of a new Christian religion in a tribal village of Africa. The tribe has their own language, known as Obi, a dignified culture and a value system that has continued for many years as they trace back into their ancestry. Yet, voids that this culture can no longerRead Moreâ€Å"Theme of Post-Colonialism in Things Fall Apart†657 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Theme of Post-Colonialism in Things Fall Apart†The Post-Colonial literature that describes what happens to a strong African, Asian once colonist settle in the area. Post Colonial literature considers vexed cultural- political questions of national and ethnic identity, otherness, race, imperialism and language, during and after the colonial periods. The term is applied most often to writings from Africa, The Indian subcontinent, The Caribbean, and other regions whose histories during the 20thRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe1311 Words  | 6 Pages Things Fall Apart Fear is an emotion that is triggered by a threat or a perceived threat. During this time, one’s body prepares to fight or take flight in response to this trigger. Fear can be crippling to those that let it consume and change them. The character Okonkwo, from the novel Things Fall Apart is a man that allows fear to consume him. His entire life is dominated by the anxiety of failure and weakness. He is so afraid of failing and becoming the man his father was, which leads him onRead MoreEssay about Comparing Things Fall Apart with Julius Caesar1425 Words  | 6 PagesIn the novel, Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, and the play, Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare, both have main characters who have hurbis. Okonkwo and Julius Caesar are main characters in both stories. An honorable man, Okonkwo tries to better than what his father was and gain great titles in his tribe. He then commits a female crime and gets exiled for seven years. When he returns, he realizes the missionari es have changed what his clan believes in. His clan no longer fights for what they believeRead More Comparing Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Chinua Archebe’s Things Fall Apart3026 Words  | 13 PagesComparing Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Chinua Archebe’s Things Fall Apart Literature is an amazing form of expression. A multitude of things can be said so in so many creative ways. Whether the story that is being told is true or fiction, the important thing is how it is told. The structure of a story is what gives it power, strength and the ability to move readers. Arundhati Roy and Chinua Achebe are two very talented authors who express their stories in two very differentRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of The Heart Of Darkness1207 Words  | 5 Pagesnarration of the heart of the darkness, it starts as Marlow the fellow sailor traveler that has an adventuress mindset but he is a very quiet and in his own mind. Marlow from the beginning he shows himself as an isolated figure and an outsider who is apart from the other seamen and even within the Nellie of the river he is a very sensitive observer and seems too distinct himself from among the other people. He feels as an imposter along his passage through Africa within these other travelers becauseRe ad MoreThings Fall Apart Post Colonial Analysis of Christianity and Igbo Tradition3099 Words  | 13 PagesAchebe’s Things Fall Apart: An Analysis of Christianity and Igbo Tradition The Mbaino tribe in Things Fall Apart practice many traditions that the Western culture would deem superstitious. The Western religion allows for the Christian ideals to prove many of the native traditions superfluous when infiltrating the native’s land during colonization. This disassembling of traditions is introduced by Christianity’s unshakeable stance that native deities have no power because they are mythical. However
The Untouchables in Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe
Many people see other people as equal or lower than or higher than them. This includes by wealth, knowledge or rights. Few people know about the caste system in India, but many people are able to point out the untouchables. Why? Is it because everyone knows that they are better than the untouchables? Some people feel that the untouchables are strictly only in India, but they don’t realize that even bigger countries have untouchables; they are just called something else. Many tribes in Africa also have untouchables, including the Igbo tribe. Untouchables are usually never accepted in any society, but they have their own place in which they live. According to, and untouchable is â€Å"a person disregarded or shunned by society or†¦show more content†¦The untouchables are in existence today mainly because of tradition or religion. No one should be kept in that environment, mentally or physically. I believe that everyone has the right to progress and have their own way to succeed; that is if they are given a chance to succeed. I think that children that are born to untouchables should be given a chance to leave their class and progress in their life socially. I also think that they can make their own choices on how things are concerned for them. In a CNN article it was mentioned that untouchables will have their own religion, their own flag, and their own holy book. Along with a new way of greeting people (CNN). I think that this was a good choice to do, mainly because they are now taking charge of themselves and showing that they have some authority over themselves. I am also forced to think that maybe this could be a bad thing for them. Would have their own religion hurt them? Will more people be placed under their class, now that it has kind of become its own society in someway? In the Igbo culture there are two different kinds of people, there are the Nwadialas and the Osu. The Nwadialas are the masters and they are basically free and have all the rights a person can have. The Osu is the people that are very low and this is obviously where the untouchables fight in. Having two different kinds of people can create very big problems. One of the main problems is communication. According to aShow MoreRelatedThings Falll Apart by Chinua Achebe1082 Words  | 4 PagesThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a story that portrays the tensions between the white Colonial Government and native-born people of Umuofia. Okonkwo, the main character, and a great village man is highly respected in the Igbo tribe of Umuofia. Although, Okonkwo is highly respected by the Igbo people, they are fearful of him because of his violent anger. When the Europeans arrived in Umuofia, they brought with them a new religion: Christianity. The Westerners changed Umuofia, destroyed traditi onRead More Things Fall Apart - White Missionaries Caused Umofia to Fall Apart1628 Words  | 7 PagesThings Fall Apart - White Missionaries Caused Umofia to Fall Apart     Faith has always been a guiding force in mans life. Chinua Achebes novel Things Fall Apart is a story that describes the effects of a new Christian religion in a tribal village of Africa. The tribe has their own language, known as Obi, a dignified culture and a value system that has continued for many years as they trace back into their ancestry. Yet, voids that this culture can no longerRead Moreâ€Å"Theme of Post-Colonialism in Things Fall Apart†657 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Theme of Post-Colonialism in Things Fall Apart†The Post-Colonial literature that describes what happens to a strong African, Asian once colonist settle in the area. Post Colonial literature considers vexed cultural- political questions of national and ethnic identity, otherness, race, imperialism and language, during and after the colonial periods. The term is applied most often to writings from Africa, The Indian subcontinent, The Caribbean, and other regions whose histories during the 20thRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe1311 Words  | 6 Pages Things Fall Apart Fear is an emotion that is triggered by a threat or a perceived threat. During this time, one’s body prepares to fight or take flight in response to this trigger. Fear can be crippling to those that let it consume and change them. The character Okonkwo, from the novel Things Fall Apart is a man that allows fear to consume him. His entire life is dominated by the anxiety of failure and weakness. He is so afraid of failing and becoming the man his father was, which leads him onRead MoreEssay about Comparing Things Fall Apart with Julius Caesar1425 Words  | 6 PagesIn the novel, Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, and the play, Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare, both have main characters who have hurbis. Okonkwo and Julius Caesar are main characters in both stories. An honorable man, Okonkwo tries to better than what his father was and gain great titles in his tribe. He then commits a female crime and gets exiled for seven years. When he returns, he realizes the missionari es have changed what his clan believes in. His clan no longer fights for what they believeRead More Comparing Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Chinua Archebe’s Things Fall Apart3026 Words  | 13 PagesComparing Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Chinua Archebe’s Things Fall Apart Literature is an amazing form of expression. A multitude of things can be said so in so many creative ways. Whether the story that is being told is true or fiction, the important thing is how it is told. The structure of a story is what gives it power, strength and the ability to move readers. Arundhati Roy and Chinua Achebe are two very talented authors who express their stories in two very differentRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of The Heart Of Darkness1207 Words  | 5 Pagesnarration of the heart of the darkness, it starts as Marlow the fellow sailor traveler that has an adventuress mindset but he is a very quiet and in his own mind. Marlow from the beginning he shows himself as an isolated figure and an outsider who is apart from the other seamen and even within the Nellie of the river he is a very sensitive observer and seems too distinct himself from among the other people. He feels as an imposter along his passage through Africa within these other travelers becauseRe ad MoreThings Fall Apart Post Colonial Analysis of Christianity and Igbo Tradition3099 Words  | 13 PagesAchebe’s Things Fall Apart: An Analysis of Christianity and Igbo Tradition The Mbaino tribe in Things Fall Apart practice many traditions that the Western culture would deem superstitious. The Western religion allows for the Christian ideals to prove many of the native traditions superfluous when infiltrating the native’s land during colonization. This disassembling of traditions is introduced by Christianity’s unshakeable stance that native deities have no power because they are mythical. However
The Untouchables in Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe
Many people see other people as equal or lower than or higher than them. This includes by wealth, knowledge or rights. Few people know about the caste system in India, but many people are able to point out the untouchables. Why? Is it because everyone knows that they are better than the untouchables? Some people feel that the untouchables are strictly only in India, but they don’t realize that even bigger countries have untouchables; they are just called something else. Many tribes in Africa also have untouchables, including the Igbo tribe. Untouchables are usually never accepted in any society, but they have their own place in which they live. According to, and untouchable is â€Å"a person disregarded or shunned by society or†¦show more content†¦The untouchables are in existence today mainly because of tradition or religion. No one should be kept in that environment, mentally or physically. I believe that everyone has the right to progress and have their own way to succeed; that is if they are given a chance to succeed. I think that children that are born to untouchables should be given a chance to leave their class and progress in their life socially. I also think that they can make their own choices on how things are concerned for them. In a CNN article it was mentioned that untouchables will have their own religion, their own flag, and their own holy book. Along with a new way of greeting people (CNN). I think that this was a good choice to do, mainly because they are now taking charge of themselves and showing that they have some authority over themselves. I am also forced to think that maybe this could be a bad thing for them. Would have their own religion hurt them? Will more people be placed under their class, now that it has kind of become its own society in someway? In the Igbo culture there are two different kinds of people, there are the Nwadialas and the Osu. The Nwadialas are the masters and they are basically free and have all the rights a person can have. The Osu is the people that are very low and this is obviously where the untouchables fight in. Having two different kinds of people can create very big problems. One of the main problems is communication. According to aShow MoreRelatedThings Falll Apart by Chinua Achebe1082 Words  | 4 PagesThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a story that portrays the tensions between the white Colonial Government and native-born people of Umuofia. Okonkwo, the main character, and a great village man is highly respected in the Igbo tribe of Umuofia. Although, Okonkwo is highly respected by the Igbo people, they are fearful of him because of his violent anger. When the Europeans arrived in Umuofia, they brought with them a new religion: Christianity. The Westerners changed Umuofia, destroyed traditi onRead More Things Fall Apart - White Missionaries Caused Umofia to Fall Apart1628 Words  | 7 PagesThings Fall Apart - White Missionaries Caused Umofia to Fall Apart     Faith has always been a guiding force in mans life. Chinua Achebes novel Things Fall Apart is a story that describes the effects of a new Christian religion in a tribal village of Africa. The tribe has their own language, known as Obi, a dignified culture and a value system that has continued for many years as they trace back into their ancestry. Yet, voids that this culture can no longerRead Moreâ€Å"Theme of Post-Colonialism in Things Fall Apart†657 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Theme of Post-Colonialism in Things Fall Apart†The Post-Colonial literature that describes what happens to a strong African, Asian once colonist settle in the area. Post Colonial literature considers vexed cultural- political questions of national and ethnic identity, otherness, race, imperialism and language, during and after the colonial periods. The term is applied most often to writings from Africa, The Indian subcontinent, The Caribbean, and other regions whose histories during the 20thRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe1311 Words  | 6 Pages Things Fall Apart Fear is an emotion that is triggered by a threat or a perceived threat. During this time, one’s body prepares to fight or take flight in response to this trigger. Fear can be crippling to those that let it consume and change them. The character Okonkwo, from the novel Things Fall Apart is a man that allows fear to consume him. His entire life is dominated by the anxiety of failure and weakness. He is so afraid of failing and becoming the man his father was, which leads him onRead MoreEssay about Comparing Things Fall Apart with Julius Caesar1425 Words  | 6 PagesIn the novel, Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, and the play, Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare, both have main characters who have hurbis. Okonkwo and Julius Caesar are main characters in both stories. An honorable man, Okonkwo tries to better than what his father was and gain great titles in his tribe. He then commits a female crime and gets exiled for seven years. When he returns, he realizes the missionari es have changed what his clan believes in. His clan no longer fights for what they believeRead More Comparing Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Chinua Archebe’s Things Fall Apart3026 Words  | 13 PagesComparing Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Chinua Archebe’s Things Fall Apart Literature is an amazing form of expression. A multitude of things can be said so in so many creative ways. Whether the story that is being told is true or fiction, the important thing is how it is told. The structure of a story is what gives it power, strength and the ability to move readers. Arundhati Roy and Chinua Achebe are two very talented authors who express their stories in two very differentRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of The Heart Of Darkness1207 Words  | 5 Pagesnarration of the heart of the darkness, it starts as Marlow the fellow sailor traveler that has an adventuress mindset but he is a very quiet and in his own mind. Marlow from the beginning he shows himself as an isolated figure and an outsider who is apart from the other seamen and even within the Nellie of the river he is a very sensitive observer and seems too distinct himself from among the other people. He feels as an imposter along his passage through Africa within these other travelers becauseRe ad MoreThings Fall Apart Post Colonial Analysis of Christianity and Igbo Tradition3099 Words  | 13 PagesAchebe’s Things Fall Apart: An Analysis of Christianity and Igbo Tradition The Mbaino tribe in Things Fall Apart practice many traditions that the Western culture would deem superstitious. The Western religion allows for the Christian ideals to prove many of the native traditions superfluous when infiltrating the native’s land during colonization. This disassembling of traditions is introduced by Christianity’s unshakeable stance that native deities have no power because they are mythical. However
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